What is a flower essence? A flower essence is the energetic vibration of a flower stabilized in purified water and alcohol.
How are they made? A flower is place in purified water and the flower/water combination is set in the sun for two to four hours or more. The energy of the sun transfers the energy (or otherwise known as the medicine) of the flower into the water. This is then preserved with alcohol (usually brandy) and bottled.
How do they help me? Flowers hold a very high vibration. They are a precious gift from Mother Earth, put here for our enjoyment and healing. When the energy of the flower enters into our energy field we begin to transform. The unique God/Goddess qualities of the flower emote their healing presence. This transference has the ability to uplift, cleanse, purify, raise, and heal our own life energy.
How do I choose? Intuition is very important when choosing a flower essence. Decide which flower description is the most exciting to you? When you hold the bottle do you feel happy or excited? Hold in your mind a problem you would like resolved and ask your own spirit guides to direct your choice. You can also ask me any questions.